Sunday, March 9, 2014

IOD Episode 103 - Adjustments

After saying goodbye to Radio the Show Dog last week, we are back. Our friend Tom Sutton sits in with us and he brings us delicious food and plumb wine as we celebrate Jenny's birthday. We also speak to Michael from #PDXBeerGeeks who talks about the upcoming fundraiser for Angelo from Brewpublic.

Also -
The Pope says there is no Hell, Adam, nor Eve,
A man fakes his way onto tv talk shows,
The KISS feud,
Top 5 Movies You Can't Turn Off,
And an Audio Challenge for Jenny.

Show beer was Oakshire's Patriot Porter. Pre-Show Beer was Stone's Go To IPA.

A big thanks to Tom, Michael, Mainbrew/ABV Tap House, and you've guys.

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